Bottom Up

Sad but true, I am posting this late at night, at home. I am usually the type of person who will take a nice long walk alone to various places. ideally, I would walk through the hills of San Francisco or the rolling beaches of Huntington Beach, or Orlando, or even the loud bustling streets of New York. This gives me so much chance to think, which sort of brings me to the subject for tonight. Before, I was always focused through how the world would see a first sentient animal. When I say bottom up, I mean to turn the tables and think about what the animal would see. What are his or her impressions of life, and what could be present in their minds and consciousness?

It's honestly tempting to take a break from myself and try to post this blog from the point of view of said animal. But admittedly, that would be hard to do. And I feel the better purpose of this post was to take a look the usual way. Edit: Then again, I might be wrong

Learning and Growth

Interestingly enough, the point of view from a fully sentient animal would be no different than any typical child's life and growth. Believe me. What reason does the animal have to think or believe that it is a pioneer animal, other than if the scientists bother to tell him or her that. Each day would be the near mirror of that of a child, learning words, shapes, colours, numbers, and probably basic arithmetic. But given the innate curiosity about its environment that it has, it no doubt will begin to question its origin, and protocols should probably be followed. Probably the hardest thing next to deciding what information will be learned is deciding information should be withheld. I realize I touched on this before. But to bring up the point that animals, regardless of species have been historically exploited by humans, and the weight of whether that should be included in the general doctrine. If included early, it could become a fact of life it grows to accept, like death, pain, and suffering to us. If brought in late in life and earning development, the animal has a better grasp on the permanence of death.

Humourously, what religion should the animal be brought up to be. Fair enough, I would favour the animal grew up with a view of a personal deity. Acknowledging a cause conscious that brought about the Universe. Even in my own studies of science and engineering, i think religion is a beautiful aspect of culture, worthy of study, contemplation, and acceptance of.

Would this open the door to a new religion spawning from the annals of a lab? Possibly. I'd like to wonder what new Doctrine (with a capital 'D') would feature. Another crazy possibility to think about is that of course, a nonhuman's brain is wired differently from a human's. And I don't just mean in terms of consciousness. Can the native thoughts already present in animals influence what new cultures and beliefs would occur in a sentient creature?

Instinct Weight

We like to think animals mostly operate off instinct, and that the creature mostly relies on learned skills over muscle rather than over mind, it would be interesting to see what sort of instincts are preserved. Take wolves, for example. The benefit of this species is that they are family oriented. How would that translate over into a group of wolves selected to be given consciousness. Would they evolve into a very family centered culture? The benefit here is that we can witness, through creation of new sentient species, rise of, for the most part, truly original cultures. So then, for felines, lions specifically, would the general aura be patriarchal, derive from the nature of female harems surrounding one male? Or inversely, given the fact female lions are the hunters of the group, be matriarchal?

This should be weighed in the positive and the negative. What are the thoughts and perceptions of animals over members who are weak, and unable to share the load? What are the effects of culture from instinct that rules that living life alone is the prime choice? And most importantly, what would trigger aggression? For dogs, the concept of betrayal may encompass acts we never thought of, or we observed, but never understood? To add, what dangers would this pose to the researchers should an adult be triggered?

The weight of instinct behind any new mind must be heavily considered, not just for its general leads into new cultures, but also featuring hostile acts, that could very well jeopardize the entire project.

Development of Personal Tastes

Aside from cultures that originate within the new minds of sentient species, personal tastes can grow and develop. I say this more figuratively than literally, as animal taste buds are in much fewer number than our own. The benefit of this is they never get tired of eating old boring food. The detriment? They never get to experience the powerful flavor of toasted caramelized onions ixed with finely diced bell peppers and crunchy slightly salty olives on a warm garlic roast pizza crust with savory warm mozzarella laid on top of moist tangy tomato marinara sauce. Aside from food, everyone has differences in preference to music, activities, environments, and people to interact with. Therefore, what sort of preferences will arise from the animal's point of view. Chances are, they have the certain tastes we already know they love. Dogs love companionship, cows love routine, dolphins regularly practice water acrobatics, and cats love... boxes?

Anyway, these are the less subtle tastes that we already figured out. So then what's the more mysterious tastes that animals have? Would this predispose them to like certain genres of music or movies? What if they are into something so completely original that humans could never have thought of before and only we realize it because an animal, for the very first time, was able to effectively communicate their tastes, wants, and desires. Suppose they liked a surreal blend of new age, hard rock, and country music that God forbid any human every thought of. A wild example, sure, but how could one possible think of something completely new and original from the minds of an animal.

Blog from a Certain Point of View

         Blog Post #1: Teske's Thoughts, subject number 9231077

After a lot of tim, mmom finally let me uuse the compter. She says its now part of my homework, where I hav to talk about my feelings. How i thnk. I think its stooped. I want to see-

So, evry day is the sam. They learn me shapes, my mom and other parents. Cause, they sai I'm speshul. That i can talk and no other animal can. Wh?y I wonder. Evry tim i say i wonder, they say that's gud. I keep wunndering. I try to wonder harder. it hurtz. i don't kno which muscel i use to wonder harder. maybe i find out tomorroe. 

mom an Parents also use phone. I wanted to learn use phone, but they say only hoomans use phone. That's stooped. i want to use phone. they say compter is same. i don't think so. i wanted phone

teevee is also fun. I like teevee. they told me its widnow to world. They say world is big. I wonder how big. they say poeple preetend to be good and bad and monsters in movees. its so I'm not scared when I watch, star wars or pirates movies or other stuff. 

today, i play with toys, to. I hav teddii bear, balls, and rope. I play wit rope a lot. it tastes gud. other parents lik to take it away, but i hold . on. i know they play too. 

sleep time is also fun. i wonder why they go away. mom says everyone sleeps alone, i tell her other parent sleeps with husband. she didn't lke when i ask what husbad is. she say don't think abowt it. i stay and sleep in my cage. it sometimes cold but nice man, thermastat, knws to make it hot.i wonder if they hav bigger cages. they bigger than me and miy cage. they can't  fit!

typing is hard. keys were small at ferst, then they make extra big keys for me! they say its chritsmess present. Ii don't know what chirstmis is. i ask tomorroe. sometimes they go for while. tell me be patient. i don't like patient. patient is hard. like wundering. how do they do it?

It is late, i must go to bed, when i do, i see weird pictures in my head, like teevee. parents say it good, that i dreamin. okay, i tell them, so i try harder. they say good night way they alwas do.

       happy thinkinng


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