
Showing posts from March, 2018

Moving Day

Obviously with the new rise of a sentient species, it seems natural to want to move out from the narrow confines of the lab to more open spaces, what should be the considerations for living? Will it be outside or inside? Of course, I think the question depends on who we modify to be granted consciousness which you can already tell will be the subject of today's post. Of course, for this scenario, I'd be assuming there were more than one of a certain species that are indeed conscious animals. Right After the Cage With animal testing, for better or worse, the subject(s) are kept in clean cages where they can hope to anticipate tests that determine, and uphold the fact they are truly sentient. So then, the desire is going to arise to stay out of the cage and in an open environment. I think what is truly remarkable is if the request comes from the animals themselves, suiting the fact they can have distinct preferences and wants, and therefore, vocalize their desire to stay whe...


-A nation is truly divided when neither act of great Heroism nor deepest Tragedy can unify its citizens- What happens on the largely outside aspect of it. What sort of responses would the public and the opposition hold against the rise of new sentients. I already discussed how in the early days of the announcement of such a lab creation the world will instigate various hate groups under possibly religious pretenses or animal rights pretenses (ironic. they should read my blog) and how they can evolve. Social Media Obviously with the shared news being spread all over Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and the like, basic groups will rise up. Anti-GMO pages would be strengthened and opinions would grow polarized. But how far would we end up going? Peaceful and Loud Oftentimes within these movements, slanderous articles and news sites from internet news columns will be shared like wildfire. I can already see the headlines now: Scientists Intend to Replace Humans , Superhu...

Long Life

This comes from personal accounts, but one thing obviously the most emotionally devastating things to happen is to have a pet die. Whether from old age, or horrific accident, or other sad route, the end of such a beautiful chapter in our lives can shut us down. True story: I was reading Old Yeller in elementary school, hoping for a happy story featuring a dog, lost from the outside and brought into a family. Spoilers lay ahead. Three quarters of the way into the book, my own dog passed away from old age. My younger self was already emotionally fragile, and I myself was devastated. Then I read the end to Old Yeller... Moving On Currently, we have no way to extend life with genetics. If you didn't know already, aging is caused by the process our chromosomes divide to multiply to replenish our body. That being said, this takes a cost as life goes on. Telomeres at the end of our chromosomes become depleted and are the indicative factor of aging. The obvious solutio...

Past Marks in Human-Animal DNA Mixing and Critique

Clearly what I've been doing was focused on what might happen as a result of our ongoing research into recombinant DNA. What was the motivation behind it, and what might happen in the next year. This is more of a tangent with the recent work and how viable it is, and not much a theme into consciousness Insulin One of the least controversial methods of implanting DNA into nonhumans was featuring the work of putting human insulin DNA into bacteria. Normally, the shortage for insulin was widespread and was dependent on blood and insulin donors. And now, we are able to, through the power of millions of bacteria, harvest and distill insulin in enough quantities for an inexpensive cost. (Ignoring the artificial price hike from the distributor company management.) This raises nearly no questions of ethics because bacteria, some of the simplest organisms on Earth, are not capable of assembling themselves to work through to create a consciousness. That comes with another interesting ...

Bottom Up

Sad but true, I am posting this late at night, at home. I am usually the type of person who will take a nice long walk alone to various places. ideally, I would walk through the hills of San Francisco or the rolling beaches of Huntington Beach, or Orlando, or even the loud bustling streets of New York. This gives me so much chance to think, which sort of brings me to the subject for tonight. Before, I was always focused through how the world would see a first sentient animal. When I say bottom up, I mean to turn the tables and think about what the animal would see. What are his or her impressions of life, and what could be present in their minds and consciousness? It's honestly tempting to take a break from myself and try to post this blog from the point of view of said animal. But admittedly, that would be hard to do. And I feel the better purpose of this post was to take a look the usual way. Edit: Then again, I might be wrong Learning and Growth Interestingly enough, t...