Moving Day

Obviously with the new rise of a sentient species, it seems natural to want to move out from the narrow confines of the lab to more open spaces, what should be the considerations for living? Will it be outside or inside? Of course, I think the question depends on who we modify to be granted consciousness which you can already tell will be the subject of today's post. Of course, for this scenario, I'd be assuming there were more than one of a certain species that are indeed conscious animals.

Right After the Cage

With animal testing, for better or worse, the subject(s) are kept in clean cages where they can hope to anticipate tests that determine, and uphold the fact they are truly sentient. So then, the desire is going to arise to stay out of the cage and in an open environment. I think what is truly remarkable is if the request comes from the animals themselves, suiting the fact they can have distinct preferences and wants, and therefore, vocalize their desire to stay where they can 'freely roam.' Sadly, I can foresee for the foreseeable future that many species wouldn't be truly free based on their nature. If cattle, horses, or even standard household pets are given the ability to think, then most likely they are destined to stay within the confines made by man. You could say it would be kismet. (Dictionary word of the day right there folks.)

So then, chances are they would be taken to large fenced in fields where long distance running and sun exposure are feasible. It would definitely be a matter of time until something was engineering as a more permanent solution. Wider spaces? A house? A grassy knoll?


I usually go with the general  wolves, lions, tigers when I think of apex predators. This is more based on what I've seen personally with what people usually have as domestic pets. Which is a oddity in and of itself. (I'm aware of the running theory that cats domesticated themselves, but that's still no reason to keep wild animals.) In which case, the chances are the predators will be transported to an open range with foliage and fauna mimicking their native habitat. Should a North American lab give consciousness to North American wolves, the challenge would be great, I'm sure. With that, the chances are the pack/pride/pod would be provided with more than not, fresh hog meat, given hogs are a destructive and invasive species. The plot would likely be anywhere from 5 to 20 square miles. In any likely case, the area would be actively guarded and monitored by both tapes and security guard alike. This makes the most sense considering regardless of how controversial the experiment would be, and the last thing the lab wants to completely annihilate their investment is a hostile agent seeking to rectify the world as it were. And even then, it might serve to discourage escape from the compound into the actual. If anything for the animals' sake because a hefty investment would not be given the training to live in the wild. (After all, there's no point to create an expensive creature just to release it into the wild.)

Cattle and Equines

This challenge would be significantly easier than the predators. Obviously more docile and herbivory creatures are more manageable. The same or nearly equivalent amount of protection must be issued, and maybe more than with predators. After all, wrong-doers would likely seek to approach a sentient herd of cattle over a pack of wolves any day, especially of approaching them you consider they know your intentions. But what would the day-to-day life be like with cattle and horses. Chances are the cattle would live out the usual life like a regular one. Strolling, feeding, and roaming.

Horses may be a different question and can be answered according to their wishes. Realistically, being a show horse is out of the question, and this rules out many other public displays of skill. And yet, a horse may be the likely candidate to feature and bring close to humans (in a controlled environment, of course.) This would probably be the best method to acclimate the public to such a new creation of science. Likewise, should the horse desire so, they might be offered to race with other horses. They might offer to help with heavy loads on an appropriate farm to justify maintaining an active lifestyle. But it seems just as likely being a carriage horse would be denied for the same reasons above.

Cats and Dogs

By far the easiest and most manageable species to hypothetically receive consciousness. They would forge the greatest bonds with their human owner's who research with them. And in which case, where would they live? Possibilities lie in the fact they may have a home with humans adjusted to their abilities and skills. Given they're sentient dogs and sentient cats, it serves to reason they need doors that respond to them the same as humans. They may need privacy and chambers to call their own. They might no; it's part of what they can explicitly desire. At the same time, being lead outside to a large yet enclosed yard would be the root of keeping them active for a really long and healthy life.

So then with such close activity to humans, would it be logical that they might grow and adapt to think, process and create like a human? Absolutely. Which opens up a new world of possibilities into what exactly serve as right for an animal. But with that, that's for another time.

As always, I have an honest fun moment to give and share my thoughts. And with that,

Happy Thinking!


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